Maxim Behar stars in a new documentary about Seychelles

Maxim Behar stars in a new documentary about Seychelles

The Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Seychelles in Bulgaria, Maxim Behar, participates in a new movie by Irina ... more

Maxim Behar appointed Chairman of the PR committee of FICAC

Maxim Behar appointed Chairman of the PR committee of FICAC

Maxim Behar, Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Seychelles in Bulgaria and a world-renown PR expert, was announced today ... more

Book of condolences in honor of the former president of the Seychelles, France-Albert René

Book of condolences in honor of the former president of the Seychelles, France-Albert René

On the 6th of March, The Honorary Consulate General of the Republic of Seychelles in Bulgaria held an event of ... more

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